Top 10 most dangerous jobs in the world

by 10:35 PM 0 comments
Every job is dangerous from a human being. But there are some jobs which are very dangerous jobs in the world. Some peoples are very much interested to take the high risk in their jobs. Are you interested about the most dangerous jobs? Are you interested to join in such kinds of jobs? Someone is highly interested to earn by the most dangerous jobs. Choose your dangerous job professions. We have listed some top 10 dangerous jobs. 


We know that there have many VIP persons in a country. For the security of the VIP persons, bodyguards are used. A bodyguard should be strong, skilled and intelligence person. When VIP persons are faced with  problems or conflicts, the bodyguards should save his life even by sacrificing his life. We have seen that there have many bodyguards who have sacrificed his life for his jobs. The death rates are not very low in this job. 

09. Bomb Squad

We know that bomb is very dangerous. Now a day, crime is increasing. Criminals use bombs in their crime works. The Bomb squad is very necessary to dispose bomb. Now we have understood that how much life threatening for disposal a bomb. To dispose a bomb is life threatening seriously. I think that it is a very dangerous job in the world. 

08. Refuse Material Collectors

To collect refusing materials is  very commonly  seen now a day. Most of the kids are included in recyclable materials. When they cross the road for collecting garbage, sometimes accidents are occurring. It is very high risk able jobs now a day. 

07. Truck Driver

People are increasing rapidly. They are building companies and other construction. For their business, truck and pick up are increasing very quickly. So, lots of truck drivers are needed. The risk in a truck or pickup driving is very high because these kinds of cars are bigger in size.Sometimes, they became serious injured or death. The Death rate of these accidents is very high now. 

06. Stuntman

Stuntmen jobs are very dangerous. Some peoples work in this dangerous job. They join just for earning money.  To earn money, they do not fear about the life risk. They work in the movie and Stuntman is very highly dangerous jobs in society. They act in life risking programs. Stuntmen are used dangerously in a  movie or advertising shot. Sometimes, they act by sacrificing their life. Researches show that the fatality risk is increasing day by day. Many stuntmen have died in acting. 

05. Farmers

I believe that farmers are so much important for the whole state or country.  They are involved to give something for the country. They have to use some heavy machines which are life threatening. They work in the rain or hot. So, I believe that farmers are included in dangerous jobs. 

04. Electric workers

Electric works are highly dangerous in the world. Many people work as an electrical worker. They work to repair the electric line, install the power the time of working, accidents can be occurred. 33% are the death rate in this job. And many workers are injured seriously. They should be serious consciousness. If the concentration fails, the life will be at  risk.

03. Structrural Iron data

We saw that peoples are doing jobs in steel or iron company. But everybody knows that these kinds of works are not easy. Generally they work to continue their life. To survive, everybody needs top doing some works. They work in such company after knowing the risk. They know that certain accidents can be occurred at any time. Many reports show that every year many people are sacrificing their life by accident. I know it is very tough jobs around the world. 

02. Military and Police

In a state defense is must. Without defense, any country cannot stay. So, for security of the country, the government needs military also police. Police with the military are securing us and our country by the security of life. When theie stay any internal or external conflicts, military is used to tackle the problems. They carry a heavy gun and arms. I think that it is very dangerous professions. 

01. Fisherman

Fishermen are included in highly dangerous jobs in all over the world. To catch fish in deep sea, it is the most dangerous professions because they have life risk. They survive his life in high risk. Any time their life can be in life risk. They catch fish without the life security. I think that it is most dangerous jobs. 



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